Meny Lukk
Søk Lukk

Under Pressure: What marketers need to know now for strategic planning

Her finner du opptak av webinaret "Under Pressure". Krig i Europa, økte levekostnader og inflasjon påvirker folk og skaper nye utfordringer for bedrifter og merkevarer ved inngangen til 2023. For å møte disse er nøkkelen å forstå hva folk tenker og føler, og hvordan de sannsynligvis vil reagere som følge av sosiale og økonomiske endringer.

Kantar experts share new findings from the Global Issues Barometer study and new analysis of Kantar data to help marketers prepare for 2023 with confidence.

We provide the evidence to equip you with what you need to manage the choppy waters of consumer sentiment, inflation and possibly recessionary environments.

In this webinar we address the challenges marketers face today – with evidence-based insights on how people are feeling and how they are likely to respond to marketing initiatives.

Find out: 

  • How people are feeling and are behaving, and how this has changed
  • How to price appropriately in inflationary times
  • Why you should continue to invest in your brand
  • What happens if you cut marketing spend
  • Where you should focus your media investment
  • How to get your creative messaging right

Watch on-demand here